President Thein Sein has vowed to triple the size of the economy within three years and roll out a privatisation programme. This promise to triple per capita GDP to US$2400 by fiscal year 2015 would bring it in line with Vietnam.
Population of 51 plus million people, 90% of which are literate. English is widely spoken as compared to many neighbouring countries.
Agriculture is the key sector of Myanmar's economy. It provides employment to two thirds of the population, contributes 58% to the county's GDP and 48% of its exports.
Geographically Myanmar serves as a bridge between South Asia and South East Asia and connects the world’s two most populous countries China and India.
Increased access to aid and trade could provide Myanmar with the ability to realise its potential and develop into the next emerging market in Asia.
Managed float of the currency the Kyat in April 2012, making it easier for firms to invest in Myanmar.
The development of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 connecting a region of 600 million people will accelerate the development of Myanmar.
Relatively low level of competition with only a handful of foreign companies in the market means this is a great opportunity for companies who can enter the market early.